Sunday, June 25, 2006

This guy made me WANT to get off the train at 42nd street...

  • Posted: 24 Jun 2006 10:01 AM CDT

    I hopped on the downtown 6 train tonight at about 7:30. It was a very crowded car, and so of course everybody was bumping up against each other. There was an arm against my rear - or so I thought - so I moved up a couple of inches. Then, there it was again. And again. And again. Eventually I realized that it wasn't an arm at all - it was a hand that was getting friendlier and friendlier as the train moved from 51st to 42nd. I kept turning around to give him dirty looks, but I think he took that as an invitation! The more I glared, the more the hand stayed put. When we arrived at the next stop, I moved to the far end of the car and snapped these shots. Faces of the innocent have been blurred, of course.