Friday, July 17, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World


Posted: 16 Jul 2015 01:01 PM PDT

I was running with a friend for cross country practice and an old man screamed “looking good ladies!” with a huge smile on his face. We are in high school.

I've got your back!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

Mortadella’s Story: Grocery store creep.

Posted: 14 Jul 2015 12:56 AM PDT

On Sunday, around 2 pm EST, I visited an Office Max to buy screen cleaner. I then left the store and went next door to browse at TJ Max. I left the store, got into my car, and as soon I shut the driver’s side door shut, this guy very abruptly pulled into the parking space next to mine.
He stared a bit, then looked away. I didn’t like it, but I inwardly shrugged and pulled out and drove to the grocery store next to the TJ Max.
OK. So I parked — and suddenly, that same dude pulls in next to me. I sat in my car for a while, trying to sort out all of the alarm bells going off in my head. Every time I looked over at him he would suddenly turn away, kind of guilty like.
I freaked; he actually followed me in his car to the next parking-lot.
I decided to get out of vehicle and go into the grocery store anyway (I had errands to run, and I was resentful that this creeper was intruding on my day).
So, I got out of my car, stood up and look downward. I could see the guy’s lap (his car was a low-bodied vehicle).
I very clearly saw his engorged penis. I could see him stroking off with one hand while he smoked a cigarette with the other.
OK, I freaked for the second time and trotted quickly into the store. I asked an employee if any security was on detail that day. Then I explained what had happened in the parking lot.
She told me security wasn’t on duty at the time then called a manager. At least, I think he was a manager. A dude arrived who looked all of 19-years-old. The woman employee asked if I wanted to call the cops. I told her I would, but for now, I’d appreciate if the manager dude would simply accompany me back to my vehicle.
Manager dude did just that.
As we got close to my car, I noticed that the creeper/pervert moved his car so that his driver’s side was right next to mine. In other words, he wanted to be closer when I got back and got I into my car.
I was speechless…until I snapped out of it and asked the manager dude to just stand next to me as I slipped my phone out of my purse. I took a picture of creeper’s license plate.
Creeper realized what I was doing and tore out of the plaza like a bat out of hell. The young manager dude said, “Too late, pal!” Then kept saying, “Wow, wow, ohhh wow,” as we watched creeper drive away and turn onto Sunset Blvd. in a panic.
I went home and called the cops but only got an answering service. I gave creeper’s plate number and physical description (I was a reporter for 12 years — I remembered A LOT). The guy had Ohio plates. He was mid-twenties to early thirties, Caucasian, with scruffy, short hair — somewhere between mousy brown to dirty blonde. He had ear plugs (piercings?), both red, one in each ear lobe. There were tattoos.

So far, the cops haven’t phoned me back.

I've got your back!

Lisa Schaefer’s Story: Running into Problems.

Posted: 13 Jul 2015 07:09 PM PDT

Harassment is a frequent problem for runners. I occasionally announce to other men on the trail (because there aren’t as many women & they already know it anyway) that “The guy I just passed is creeping me out.” Today I was fortunate that one of the men near the trail was a uniformed police officer. The Creep said to me, “I’m going to take you in my arms. I’m coming to get you.” So hopefully the officer did something about this.

I've got your back!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

HOLLA ON THE GO: Called out.

Posted: 13 Jul 2015 11:26 AM PDT

This person is stalking and harassing me.

I've got your back!

Maggie’s Story: Tourist Troubles

Posted: 10 Jul 2015 04:52 AM PDT

Visiting family in CA and they convinced me to tour Golden Gate park alone, immediately knew it was a bad idea when I got off the bus. As I wandered in, I accidentally made eye contact with a man walking with a group of friends. Sped up and looked straight ahead but he moved over to my side of the path, bent down and got a couple inches from my face to say “How you doing boo” before strutting off with his friends. Wanted to yell at him but he had a whole group and I was alone, and didn’t see many people nearby. Later that day I thought I would walk downtown to get some chocolate and virtually the same thing happened–creepy guy who just looked like he had something to prove makes eye contact a ways away, then approaches, gets right in my ear this time and says in the creepiest voice I can imagine “hey baby” as he walks past. At least that time there were more people around, but he walked by too fast for me to think of a response. Thinking if that same “technique” is used again I might loudly warn everyone to watch out for the “street harasser in [insert clothing here]” and point at him. Definitely a mild experience compared to most but really creeped me out how close they both got to my face.

I've got your back!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

Week in Our Shoes: HeartMob Edition

Posted: 10 Jul 2015 10:52 AM PDT

Hello there, Hollaback! Screen Shot 2015-07-10 at 1.50.40 PM

We have three words for you: HeartMob, HeartMob, HeartMob! We could not be more excited about our new platform becoming a reality as we are gearing up to launch in just a few weeks. The most exciting news is that we have received a $516,000 grant from the Knight Foundation!!! We could not be more thrilled or grateful for this opportunity to combat online harassment.

Some other awesome news: we have a new intern at HQ! Sophie arrived from the UK a few days ago to help us with launching HeartMob. As a graduate student from Oxford, Sophie is studying the benefits and ramifications of the Internet. We are looking forward to collaborating with her!

Guess what: we are hiring a HeartMob Program Associate HQ! Spread the word to all who are determined to help us fight online harassment.

Here’s what’s up around the globe: 

Alicia, the fierce director of Hollaback! Bahamas!, received the Queen’s Young Leaders Award for her outstanding work transforming the lives of others and making a difference in her community. We are so proud of Alicia’s dedication to the movement to end street harassment!

Hollaback! Pittsburgh is having a meet up this week to discuss the future of the movement to end street harassment with its community. It’s awesome to rally the allies and supporters.

Screen shot 2015-07-10 at 11.29.39 AMHollaback! Vancouver continues to tear up the press with Transit Tuesdays. They truly are making a difference in their community.
Hollaback! Alberta
had a Chalk Walk for Change to raise awareness of street harassment. The photos of their phrases and designs look fantastic!

That’s all for now. Stay tuned…

Holla and Out!


Friday, July 10, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

Helen’s Story: Back again.

Posted: 09 Jul 2015 03:00 PM PDT

Back again. Literally like 2 days ago, I was groped by a creeper who made no effort to deny groping me, and motioned for me to KEEP WALKING IN FRONT OF HIM so that he could grope me again! Had to chase him off with pepper spray. I already posted that story though. Today I was on the back of a motorbike taxi and the driver reached around his arm to try and molest me. Screamed on top of my lungs and ran off as soon as he let me. Within 3 days. I’m so exhausted and terrified and feeling dirty and I just really really really hate men right now. And I know it’s not all men and whatever, but for fuck’s sake this is MY body and I can’t believe how many people don’t realize that.

I've got your back!

HOLLA ON THE GO: “Caught in a self-shaming spiral”

Posted: 09 Jul 2015 02:43 PM PDT

Keep your cool. Don’t let it get to you. Maybe my shorts are too short? Why am I letting this get to me? Is this my fault?

I am walking home today. The sun is glaring down and I am solely focused on crossing the street to my apartment two blocks away. A car whizzes by just as I’m about to reach safety on the other side of the crosswalk. “Let me honk that ass.” The phantom voice exists for only five seconds — full of disregard, degradation, disrespect.

I am disgusted. I immediately tell myself it’s not my fault. But then find myself uncontrollably catching my reflection in windows I pass with shaming thoughts, “Should I not wear these shorts anymore?”

I hate that I’m left with the fall-out of someone else’s contempt for decency. I’m alone in fighting for respect. I don’t have power in this interaction.

The last time this happened was about two weeks prior. I was biking. I hear a whistle from the sidewalk and my anger instinct kicks kick in “Fuck you!” I shout in his direction. His response to me: “Bitch!”
Recounting this interaction to my boyfriend, hoping to receive some comfort, he scorns me for acting with anger. “You’ll get raped standing up for yourself like that.”

I’m at a loss right now. I’m in some hypothetical danger if I do respond; caught in a self-shaming spiral if I don’t respond.

I've got your back!

HOLLA ON THE GO: Poolside downsides.

Posted: 09 Jul 2015 02:30 PM PDT

My friend and I were at a bar by campus, playing pool. The table is right by the front windows. There were two men outside that were staring and making kissy faces at us. We ignored them, but they were outside for around 40 minutes.

I've got your back!


HOLLA ON THE GO: Bus Ride Violations

Posted: 09 Jul 2015 07:25 AM PDT

I’m 16 and I was on bus route 566 going towards Auburn. A man who looked around 35 sat by me, asked invasive questions about my personal life. He then started talking about my feet and asked to see them. Out of shock I let him then quickly put my shoe back on. He took his socks and shoes off, grabbed my shoe off and started rubbing his feet on mine and started moaning despite me saying I felt uncomfortable and trying to pull my feet away. Another man stepped in and he ran off at Bellevue TC

I've got your back!

Thursday, July 09, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

Mari’s story: “what are you staring at?”

Posted: 08 Jul 2015 05:41 PM PDT

I was walking to work this morning and found a run in my tights. My side of the street was fairly empty so I walked into an isolated area and took off my tights and saw this man (in his late 40s) continue to stare at me as he walked past. He did this multiple times until I asked “what are you staring at?” He stopped his walk, turned to me, and started aggressively gesturing towards me, angry that I had asked him why he was staring. I crossed the avenue and at the following intersection, saw that he was still staring and angrily gesturing and saying things to me, waiting for the light to change so he could accost me at the next intersection. I got so scared that I hailed a cab in the opposite direction of my job and ducked down in the seat until I arrived at my office and ran inside. This is my regular walking path to work and I am terrified of running into him or him following me.

I've got your back!

Helen’s Story: Photography to Pepper Spray

Posted: 08 Jul 2015 08:01 AM PDT

Was being touristy and taking a beautiful sunset pic (thoughts – our world is so beautiful!) When some guy touch my ass. Went after him with threats of police but he just laughed. Finally took out pepper spray and threatened him until he crossed the street. Wish I could’ve taken a pic to report him but I guess girls just walk with a guy at night. Ugh. Thank god I had my spray.

I've got your back!

WIOS: Taking it to the streets edition

Posted: 06 Jul 2015 08:48 AM PDT

What’s up Hollaback!?

Milano_prideWith Emily and Debjani out of HQ this week, Rachel and the interns have been hard at work. To reward all of the fabulous HeartMob donors, the group diligently packaged thank you cards and gifts to be send around the world. The support for our new platform to combat online harassment is overwhelming. We are so excited to launch HeartMob soon!

At some of our global sites: 

Hollaback! Bmore Co-director Leah Mike hit the streets of Baltimore this week to educate street harassers and pedestrians on bystander intervention. Leah, nice work chalk_walk_Berlinconveying to men how important it is for them to be allies to street harassment victims!

Hollaback! Berlin held a chalk walk in Hamburg to empower victims of street harassment to take back the streets.

Hollaback! Duke is shaking up their campus norms by discussing with their student government the issue harassment of students on campus. They are also working to find solutions to eradicate the behavior.

Shout out to Hollaback! Italia for marching in Milano Pride this past weekend!

We’ve been killing it in the press this week with Hollaback! Vancouver’s Stacey publishing their piece on her personal accounts of street harassment in GUTS and more!

Can’t wait to keep the movement going this week…

Holla and Out!

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

Sally Rumble’s Story : I don’t want your money.

Posted: 07 Jul 2015 04:02 PM PDT

A short, slight framed man claiming to be from Bangladesh, followed me down the stairs to the subway entrance at approximately 8:50pm last night. I could feel someone approaching me from behind, when I turned around he asked me if he could “hang out” with me, when I said NO, he persisted, asking the question over and over. I was fumbling for my metrocard but couldn’t find it. He was in my personal space and there was nowhere to go to get away from him because I was standing between him and the turnstile. I said I was married to try and get him to go away, that didn’t work, then he said “I’ll give you money”, I said NO again, then he said “I’ll give you one hundred dollars if you come with me.” I finally found my metrocard and swiped myself through. He didn’t follow.

I've got your back!

Friday, July 03, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

HOLLA ON THE GO: Unintelligible talk

Posted: 02 Jul 2015 09:12 AM PDT

While walking to work on 06/29/15, a white truck parked on the street near me. A man got out and yelled, “Hey, beautiful!” He then asked me to turn around and then said something unintelligible about my “body.”

I've got your back!

Thursday, July 02, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

HOLLA ON THE GO: Saying something.

Posted: 01 Jul 2015 09:09 AM PDT

A man came up to me when I was stopped at a crosswalk and offered $200 for a blow job. After I told him that was an inappropriate question, he argued that “$200 is a high amount.” Again, I said that was an inappropriate question. Finally he left. I was afraid of angering him, not knowing what he’d do, but he did it in front of my sister. It happened near the stadium and the metro station, about a block away. It happened around 11:00am 6/30/2015.

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

Simmone’s Story: “I am not alone”

Posted: 29 Jun 2015 07:26 PM PDT

I’ve actually been harassed way too many times, at one point (because it all started off when I was young 14) I just started to think it was the every day norm for a woman to be harassed, either verbally or physically. But now I understand that it isn’t something your supposed to be used to.
I spent my adolescent years being physically and verbally assaulted, from being molested, to having some stranger call me a slag. All unprovoked.
I’ve had men try and put their hands up my dress on a night out, to men pinning me up walls from behind and kissing my neck.
I’ve even had friends dads touching my breasts, but I was so scared during every encounter I’ve had with these men that I had never said anything, thinking that if I said anything than they would take it further.
I thought I should say something, as I’ve never really told anyone before. Only my partner, and it’s comforting being able go acknowledged that I am not alone. That it’s something that all woman must go through.

I've got your back!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

Hollaback! You have the power to end street harassment

The Latest from Holla Back World

HOLLA ON THE GO: Unwanted following.

Posted: 29 Jun 2015 07:22 AM PDT

A car tried to approach and follow me. This happens constantly near the shopping center

I've got your back!

HOLLA ON THE GO: “I said stop but he didn’t”

Posted: 29 Jun 2015 07:18 AM PDT

I was standing in line at Armadillo Grill late last night when a man approached me attempting to hug and then grope me. I said stop but he didn’t, then I yelled. He started screaming that I was a white privileged bitch and then other things like “Princess Diana” which I don’t understand. None of the staff members helped me when I was clearly panicked. He waited for me outside and continued screaming at me while I was waiting for an uber with my friends.

I've got your back!

Week In Our Shoes: Holla::Rev London Edition

Posted: 29 Jun 2015 07:10 AM PDT

Hey there Hollaback!,

What a fantastic and exciting week it’s been for us! On Tuesday we hosted our first ever Holla::REV in London! Each of the speakers brought a new issue to the conversation about street harassment, and it was so energizing to have so many new voices engaged in the work to

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Ladies, don't be so paranoid! (from a lady)

Honestly i find some of these hollaback stories to be a little pathetic. Why are women so scared of men? I am a woman and i don't like being harassed but a man wanting my phone number is not exactly "harassment"…i think some of these women don't know how to take a compliment…the one below complaining about cat calls b/c the guy said "now theres a woman"…that is a compliment to most women so stop being so darn sensitive. All men are not looking to rape you.  The girl so scared b/c a man asked her for her phone number then followed her on the subway which she didn't even go on, well, that too seems more like paranoia than actual harassment.  I'm surprised there are any men left willing to even talk to women with women running around so scared of men even talking to them.  If i complained about all the random men who have come up to me over the years, well, that would be silly.  How else are men and women supposed to talk? Are some of you so new to this world you think the only way to communicate with a stranger of the opposite sex is online via facebook or twitter? I would much rather have a man approach me out in the public and if he comes on too strong then I can just ignore him. If he physically assaults you thats what the 2nd Amendment is for.  For those of you so dang scared of men I highly suggest enrolling in a fire arms class and learning how to shoot a gun for self defense…but on the other hand some of you are so paranoid you might not be stable enough to have a gun.  Ladies, grow up…Men aren't perfect and you can't go around labeling men as sexual harassers just for trying to make conversation with you!

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

Stephanie’s Story: Subway Stalking

Posted: 27 Jun 2015 11:09 PM PDT

I was waiting for the “walk” sign so I could cross Houston Street in New York City. A man, likely 30 years older than me, stood next to me and said, “Hi, how are you?” I looked up and quickly nodded while giving a faint smile. He then started to tell me about himself to which I showed little interest except for occasionally saying, “Ohh.” He then began to ask me where I lived and where I was going none of which I responded to. He pulled out his cell phone and asked me to put in my number, I said “no”, turned around and went down the stairs of the nearby subway. I did not actually need to use the subway, because I lived nearby, but figured I could hide out there until the light changed and he crossed the street. However, he followed me down the subway stairs and said he needed to use the subway too. At this point I was very scared and started saying, “Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone,” expecting someone in the subway station to step in, but instead on-lookers dispersed, and I was left alone with him. I was scared to run up the stairs in case he continued to follow me or tried to pull me towards him, so I walked right up to the turnstile and fumbled with my wallet, pretending to get out my subway metrocard. He went to the turnstile next to me and put his metrocard in and crossed to the other side. I then immediately backed away as he yelled angrily at me, “Hey! Come back here! Come back here! Give me your number!” I was so scared and in shock that I just stared at him for a bit as he yelled at me, before turning around and sprinting up the stairs and down the street for the next four blocks.

I've got your back!

HOLLA ON THE GO: Feeling Defeated.

Posted: 27 Jun 2015 07:27 AM PDT

Received the most obscene catcall in my life. I ignored him. He continued shouting. There was no one else on the street. No less than a few minutes later, another man commented ‘now that’s a woman’. I feel tired and humiliated. Most of all i feel powerless.

I've got your back!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Man Tries to Pull Woman's Pants Down as She Enters Her Queens Apartment: NYPD | NBC New York

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

Jo’s Story: “some women just accept it”

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 03:34 AM PDT

I was at rockfest in Kansas City and while me and one of my friends were listening to a band on the main stage these guys came up behind us. The crowd was really tight so everyone was packed together really close. One of the guys tried to start up a conversation but I shut him down and turned back to watching the music. A crowd surfer was coming toward us and fell just in front pushing me backward into him. All i could feel was his hand on my ass. I jumped forward and turned around, he apologized, smirking, and said that it had been an accident. I was definately feeling more uncomfortable but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. I turned around and tried to enjoy the concert. the next thing I knew he was right behind me with his hand between my legs from behind. Now I have never been physically assaulted before so reaction is not my strong suit, but I turned around and shoved him as hard as a could. He was still smiling as I grabbed my friend and dragged her away. The worst part was probably her reaction. She acted like it was just another thing that happens at rock concerts when these guys get drunk. NO. I don’t care how much alcohol he had it does not give him the right to touch me. And it honestly makes me more sad that some women just accept it as a part of life.

I've got your back!

Amanda’s Story: Unwanted and Unreturned Interactions

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 02:16 AM PDT

I work downtown and will either take the bus home or walk. A few months ago, probably in February or March, I noticed a man  hit on a woman as I left work around 8pm. She brushed him off and he tried to talk to me, but I ignored him and kept walking. I had to run some errands so I stopped by Target, and was talking on the phone to my mom when he tapped me on the shoulder. He said he knew I was in the middle of a conversation but he really “liked [my] look” and wanted to talk to me. I told him to wait until I was finished talking if he wanted to speak with me, and walked away.

A month or two later, I was waiting at my usual bus stop when the same man came up to me. He struck up a conversation with me, and not wanting to be rude, I talked to him for a bit. When he asked me if I was an artist, I told him I had designed the image on my t-shirt. He laughed and said “Well, now I’m looking directly at your chest.” Thankfully that was the moment my bus came, and when he asked me out for coffee I told him I wasn’t interested, and had to leave.

Those were both downtown. Tonight, I was walking home from work again and was stopped at an intersection closer to my neighborhood. I turned to look at something and saw the same man behind me, so I quickly turned away obviously not wanting to be engaged in conversation. He walked all the way around me until he was right in front of my face and couldn’t be ignored and said “Hello, you know you look really cute.” I felt like this guy needed to be put in his place, so I told him that I saw through his act and he had done this to me several times before. Rather than being ashamed, he was delighted, and said “Really! Wow! I thought you looked familiar!” I forcefully told him that I was not interested in talking to him and that I was trying to make my way home in peace. He said “Well I just thought someone should tell you you looked cute.” I walked away from him without a word.

I’ve not only had uncomfortable interactions with this particular man in the last few months, but have had multiple notable sexist interactions with men in the last week alone, all while simply trying to commute home from work. I feel uncomfortable to even walk out my door or wear something that shows a bit more skin. It is not acceptable to be made to feel this way simply trying to get to and from work.

I've got your back!

Concerned’s Story: PSA to all.

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 08:40 PM PDT

Watch your butt while grocery shopping. There are perverts out there taking pictures with hidden cameras and putting them on the internet.

I've got your back!

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

The Latest from Holla Back World

HOLLA ON THE GO: Not ashamed

Posted: 25 Jun 2015 07:25 AM PDT

I wear short shorts and sleeveless tops because I think I have great legs and arms. I generally dress for my body type and keep it preppy casual. Unfortunately, I was walking down the street and a man yells out the passenger window of a moving car: “you dropped your wallet!” laughing as a few dollar bills fly through the air.

I've got your back!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The L.A. Show Real Estate TV sent you a video: "When 'Slutwalk' Feminists Attack With Lauren Southern"

The L.A. Show Real Estate TV has shared a video with you on YouTube
When 'Slutwalk' Feminists Attack With Lauren Southern
Lauren Southern lifts the lid on how she was targeted by an online hate campaign after challenging the "rape culture" myth pushed by radical feminists at the 2015 'Slutwalk' in Vancouver.

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