Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Latest from Holla Back World

Hollaback! You have the power to end street harassment

The Latest from Holla Back World

HOLLA ON THE GO: Unwanted following.

Posted: 29 Jun 2015 07:22 AM PDT

A car tried to approach and follow me. This happens constantly near the shopping center

I've got your back!

HOLLA ON THE GO: “I said stop but he didn’t”

Posted: 29 Jun 2015 07:18 AM PDT

I was standing in line at Armadillo Grill late last night when a man approached me attempting to hug and then grope me. I said stop but he didn’t, then I yelled. He started screaming that I was a white privileged bitch and then other things like “Princess Diana” which I don’t understand. None of the staff members helped me when I was clearly panicked. He waited for me outside and continued screaming at me while I was waiting for an uber with my friends.

I've got your back!

Week In Our Shoes: Holla::Rev London Edition

Posted: 29 Jun 2015 07:10 AM PDT

Hey there Hollaback!,

What a fantastic and exciting week it’s been for us! On Tuesday we hosted our first ever Holla::REV in London! Each of the speakers brought a new issue to the conversation about street harassment, and it was so energizing to have so many new voices engaged in the work to