Mortadella’s Story: Grocery store creep. Posted: 14 Jul 2015 12:56 AM PDT On Sunday, around 2 pm EST, I visited an Office Max to buy screen cleaner. I then left the store and went next door to browse at TJ Max. I left the store, got into my car, and as soon I shut the driver’s side door shut, this guy very abruptly pulled into the parking space next to mine. He stared a bit, then looked away. I didn’t like it, but I inwardly shrugged and pulled out and drove to the grocery store next to the TJ Max. OK. So I parked — and suddenly, that same dude pulls in next to me. I sat in my car for a while, trying to sort out all of the alarm bells going off in my head. Every time I looked over at him he would suddenly turn away, kind of guilty like. I freaked; he actually followed me in his car to the next parking-lot. I decided to get out of vehicle and go into the grocery store anyway (I had errands to run, and I was resentful that this creeper was intruding on my day). So, I got out of my car, stood up and look downward. I could see the guy’s lap (his car was a low-bodied vehicle). I very clearly saw his engorged penis. I could see him stroking off with one hand while he smoked a cigarette with the other. OK, I freaked for the second time and trotted quickly into the store. I asked an employee if any security was on detail that day. Then I explained what had happened in the parking lot. She told me security wasn’t on duty at the time then called a manager. At least, I think he was a manager. A dude arrived who looked all of 19-years-old. The woman employee asked if I wanted to call the cops. I told her I would, but for now, I’d appreciate if the manager dude would simply accompany me back to my vehicle. Manager dude did just that. As we got close to my car, I noticed that the creeper/pervert moved his car so that his driver’s side was right next to mine. In other words, he wanted to be closer when I got back and got I into my car. I was speechless…until I snapped out of it and asked the manager dude to just stand next to me as I slipped my phone out of my purse. I took a picture of creeper’s license plate. Creeper realized what I was doing and tore out of the plaza like a bat out of hell. The young manager dude said, “Too late, pal!” Then kept saying, “Wow, wow, ohhh wow,” as we watched creeper drive away and turn onto Sunset Blvd. in a panic. I went home and called the cops but only got an answering service. I gave creeper’s plate number and physical description (I was a reporter for 12 years — I remembered A LOT). The guy had Ohio plates. He was mid-twenties to early thirties, Caucasian, with scruffy, short hair — somewhere between mousy brown to dirty blonde. He had ear plugs (piercings?), both red, one in each ear lobe. There were tattoos. So far, the cops haven’t phoned me back. |
Lisa Schaefer’s Story: Running into Problems. Posted: 13 Jul 2015 07:09 PM PDT Harassment is a frequent problem for runners. I occasionally announce to other men on the trail (because there aren’t as many women & they already know it anyway) that “The guy I just passed is creeping me out.” Today I was fortunate that one of the men near the trail was a uniformed police officer. The Creep said to me, “I’m going to take you in my arms. I’m coming to get you.” So hopefully the officer did something about this.  |